FORM (Tao Lu)

The forms are, at academic level, the fundamental techniques of the style and give the body the basic settings required for the martial practice of Wing Chun. They are an indispensable tool for passing on the main elements related to the style and represent a source of techniques that can be used in combat applications. They help also to develop concentration and mental presence.



The practice of Wing Chun involves a series of exercises and training specially for pairs. These are fundamental to capture the key principles of the style and to improve certain characteristics such as speed, coordination, perception and control, strategy and precision.

CHI SAO (sticky hands)

Chi Sao is certainly the most important and well-know exercise of the style. It’s in fact the main tool to learn the basic elements related to the contact mechanisms and sensitivity. It allows you to acquire some skills related to accession and adherence, concepts essential in the short-range combat. The main function is to learn to "feel" the opponent’s stimuli and, therefore, react to these in order to gain an advantageous position to be exploit it at you will. The exercise expresses in itself the essence of the style; its techniques characterize the movements of the crane and the snake.
In the course will also be introduced exercises called "cycles" that help the practitioner to be familiar with the work on sensitivity.


They are a series of exercises that illustrate in a clear and precise way the rules and the mechanics for the development of a certain principle. Each exercise has some special features and highlights the way of application of a principle of movement within a predetermined sequence. They are a valuable tool to feel the sensitivity as they show the best way to react to very specific stimuli by an opponent. The training of such exercises also gives the body the physical structure necessary for the practice of the style.


The main purpose of these exercises is to help the practitioner develop a set of spontaneous reactions based on technical movements. Their peculiarity undoubtedly lies in the way of progression: they are exercises that are practiced in a dynamic context obtained through the constant repetition of the techniques. This training makes it possible to develop basic skills and very important for the practice of Wing Chun: increase the speed of execution of the techniques, “the body eye” and responsiveness, knowledge of the timing of the attack, space management and confidence in the short distance. Their practice also ensures a considerable structural fortification of the body.


It 'a fundamental exercise built on cyclical repetition of the Bong Sao, Lat Sao and Qua Choy. Its main function is to develop the ability to get rid of an obstacle and at the same time to occupy the space gained by inserting a technique of attack. It also promotes the improvement of the principles related to the rooting and to the basic physical structure. Furthermore, it helps us understand the importance of the continuous drive towards the opponent's center.


The Zhou Zhan is a further pair exercise that its main function is to improve the sensitivity and coordination. It involves using the elbow techniques.

Qin Na (joint levers), Dian Xue (pressure points), Projections and Controls

They are an area of additional implementation of martial practice. They are necessary for comprehending completely and thoroughly the style and also allow us to get a deeper understanding of the body and its dynamics. This sector provides the practitioner with the elements to elaborate evasive maneuvers and cause acute pain in neuralgic points.


The Wing Chun includes the study and use of positions and movements. The practice of this field gives the body strength and is an excellent tool for the rooting and the articular and tendon fortification. The positions represent the foundation of the physical structure of the practitioner, are necessary for the purposes of greater stability and power in combat. The movements, dynamic evolution of the positions, are useful for the management of space and distance in fight.


During the lessons, there is also an athletic preparation, muscle strengthening and stretching. All these elements reinforce the physical and mental structure preparing the body to the study of martial arts (pushups and legs, abdomen, aerobic workout, muscle dissolution, etc.).


Qi Gong is a martial practice that allows you to develop the internal energy possible to use it in combat and during daily life. In general, the function of Qi Gong exercises is to allow the correct flow of Qi(human being vital energy) through the network of meridians(channels comparable to the vessels) that carry blood, which connect between their organs of the human body. In martial arts, practice of Qi Gong is important both to maintain good health also as a form of physical potential training.
In the course of Wing Chun will be presented two forms of Qi Gong, that contribute to the physical-energetic upgrading of the practitioner.


The course involves the discussion of a few theoretical topics very useful for gaining a greater knowledge of Kung Fu in general, of its origins and of the philosophical elements that inspired the birth and evolution of the style.
- History of Kung Fu and Wing Chun
- Martial Ethics
- Strategic elements applicable to the fighting and daily life
- Analysis of the principles
- Concepts of Traditional Chinese Medicine
- Philosophy and eastern symbolism
- Knowledge of anatomy and physiology